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Bible Learning And Sharing Together
BLAST is our fabulous kids work on a Sunday morning. Here you’ll find great teaching and fun activities for children between 3½ and 11 years old (Nursery to Year 6). We also have a creche for those under 3½ years, in our bright and beautiful creche room. The children start off in the main service with the adults, then go out to their session part way through. All our children are looked after by volunteers who have undergone strict safeguarding training.

Wednesdays 5:30pm - 6:30pm term time
For children from Year R to Year 6, it’s a good mix of fun, games, laughter, story and small group time. Children have a fantastic time while learning about the Bible and the amazing story of God. Contact our church office for more information as spaces are limited.

Wednesdays 10:00am-11:30am term time
Our friendly, welcoming Parent and Toddler group welcomes parents, grandparents and children from birth until school age. There's plenty of toys and our wonderful garden space to explore when the weather permits. We offer hot drinks and a yummy snack for parents and snacks for the little ones (they will need to bring their own drinks). We end each session with a fun time of singing and actions.
Each session is £1 per adult but your first session is free.
Numbers are limited so you will need to pre book your space, check out our events page. To keep up to date with the latest news at Stepping Stones, please click here

3:30pm-5:45pm, once per half term
Messy Church is exactly that! The session starts with games and a snack, before going into the Craft area for an hour of messy play, art, craft, laughter, and fun, all around the theme of a bible story. Then there's story time, after which we head into dinner together. Crafts are suitable for children age 3 and up. (All children must be accompanied by an adult)
Our next Messy Church is on 12th February, make sure you book in!